Global Research Journal (GRJ) aims to build knowledge gaps and generate new ideas through a multidisciplinary approach. In an ever-changing world GRJ brings together likeminded individuals, that have a passion for sharing their research with the aim of facilitating societal progression. Through publication of their research papers, individuals are recognise and contribute to societal development in diverse subject areas.

Research Publications

Global Research Journal bridges the knowledge gap between science and everyday life. It recognises multidisciplinary research in a vast range of subject areas as a foundation for diverse knowledge acquisition.

How we operate

GRJ is a platform through which Global researchers, academicians and scholars can publish their research studies for a fee and share their knowledge with global societies.

Online publication

All submissions will be reviewed by the GRJ academic review team. All accepted research papers will be published online and accessible for readers globally.

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Mastering Your Emotions: Strategies for Feeling in Control
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Finding Time in a Hectic World: Practical Tips for Feeling More in Control
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Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover: Unpacking the Hidden Gems of Life
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Cultivating Peace in a World of Conflict: A Path Forward
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Why the Rude? Understanding Mean Behaviour and Protecting Yourself
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Find Self-Validation and Unlock Your Inner Power
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Thriving Under Pressure: Strategies for Managing Overwhelming Demands
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Embracing Freedom: Letting Go of Attachments That Hold You Back
The Dichotomy of Solitude: Loneliness or Freedom?
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Sweet Liberation: A Guide to Breaking Free from Sugar for Optimal Health