
Can music help to relax you before a Medical Appointment?

Written by:Daniel Herbert When individuals undergo health challenges, they often dread going to medical appointments. They are afraid of what the doctor might find after testing them, they might be nervous about the tests that they have to endure.  They may even be resistant to enter clinical settings due to previous negative experiences and they

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Artists & Cultural Care

Written by:By Douglas Barkey Despite the evident success of artists, the most common conversation I have had in higher education with parents here and elsewhere has been their concern that their child, who is obsessively creating painting, photographs, poems, music, sculptures, animations, dance, writing short stories…(you name the medium)….will end up a “starving artist”. The

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Spiritual Meditation

Written by:Maharaj Dr. Nanak Das Every individual in contemporary life is immersed with the chaos that surrounds them.  The hectic daily routines and pressures of family, employment, social or economic challenges can sometimes lead to stress and burn out. The world is changing rapidly and sometimes this can lead to moments of heightened feelings, that

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