Does Art Have The Power To Relax Patients Pre-Surgery?

Written By : Suzie Tucker

Surgical procedures can be extremely worrying, particularly when individuals are being subjected to drugs that can have adverse effects. In addition, having procedures that will potentially leave scaring on the body and also have internal ramifications, which can create anxiety and negative mental health impacts on an individual.  We all know that surgeries are performed with the view of rectifying physical problems within the human body, however we have also heard of horror stories of surgical procedure going wrong. Patients have taken legal action against medical experts for negligence or an insufficient outcome.  With so many worries entering the minds of patients, relaxing can be very challenging especially before they go into a surgery that they have consented to.

How can we relax before surgery?

There are several ways that individuals can relax before surgery including:

  • Learn to trust your medical experts and yourself.
  • Educate yourself on the surgical procedure.
  • Discuss what is worrying you with the medical professional.
  • Distract your mind by doing things that you enjoy.
  • Listen to music that relaxes you.
  • Use relaxation techniques like breathing exercises and meditation.
  • Explore alternate therapies like Art.

How can engaging in art help us to relax before a surgery?


When individuals experience pain, usually they start to loose control of their senses, due to the fact pain dictates activities that we can carry out.  Art is a method through which individuals can start to own their lives again by initiating the first step towards creating something unique.  Through art we can express ourselves and in a creative manner and release emotions embedded within us. Each line, colour and shape are a representation of feelings experienced by the individual; they can connect with themselves to explore different emotions being felt.  By creating artwork, even colouring has been noted to decrease stress levels. When patients relax, they can focus better on themselves, processing emotions and identify healthy ways through which they can emotional release.  Before surgery, patients can create art and express their inner most thoughts and feelings without verbal communication. Individuals can shift their mind from what is really bothering them onto expressing it through art. When people create art, they tend to relax their minds by slowing down and evoke their creative streak.


What are the benefits of engaging in art before a surgery?


Within any stressful situation, art has many positive mental health benefits including:

  • Cultivating self-awareness through the use of mindfulness where individuals are focusing on the present moment.
  • Understanding and processing emotions so that individuals can release stress from the root of the problem.
  • Emotional release through art enabling individuals to let go of past traumatic experiences, hurt or stagnant emotions so that individuals can progress.
  • Building self- confidence through creating the art alone and being proud of their accomplishment despite their artistic ability.
  • Reduces stress levels.

When patients are worried about going into surgery they often feel excessively stressed, feel anxious or depressed.  Largely because the dopamine levels which is a neurotransmitter within the brain is lower. Hence there is a need to increase the dopamine levels and one way this can be achieved is through art. As a result, patients feel happier and relaxed, thus art does have the power to relax patients’ pre-surgery.


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