Yes. Although we would like to publish research free of charge, in order to cover the costs, there is a need to charge publication fees.  We believe that the service we provide to researchers is invaluable, and that the price we charge is more than fair enabling all researchers equal opportunities to publish their research with JRG.

Yes, GRJ is peer-reviewed with the intention of assisting the researcher to ensure clarity in their findings, and easy for fellow researchers and other individuals to understand. A set of guidelines are available with a criteria for reviewers to follow, this ensures that each research paper reaches the highest standards associated with GRJ. This will ensure the published research is understood by a wide range of readers.

Yes, GRJ is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND.

GRJ recommends that the GRJ publication manuscript guidelines are followed, and research is presented in a clear concise manner. The reader should understand the introduction, and the research objectives must be clear to the reader. The methodology must be documented correctly, while the results and discussion should be carefully articulated to ensure that readers understand your findings. The conclusions should be written well so that readers understand your research study, feel involved, intrigued, and motivated. References are mandatory because they add authenticity to research and ensure credit is given where it is due.  We have a strict NO plagiarism policy that needs to be followed.

In this instance, when your research paper is reviewed and the research ideas are very promising, but it is lacking a specific, area that will be communicated to you. You will have another opportunity to amend your research if you receive communication via email and re-submit your research after following the guidance received.

Yes. GRJ has a strict no plagiarism policy. We require you to put your research through a plagiarism checker. GRJ will not accept any work for publication if it exceeds 10% plagiarism.

GRJ is open to all enthusiastic researchers, academics, students or individuals who would like a platform to share their research in various disciplines. Please follow the paper submission guidelines.

No. GRJ only accepts research papers/ articles in the English language.

GRJ is renowned and known in numerous countries globally. In addition, social media platforms, conferences and academic forums are utilised to share knowledge with other interested individuals. Through sharing knowledge there is an endeavour to help humanity and facilitate societal development.

Enter your details within the online form and submit it to GRJ.  You will automatically receive correspondence from GRJ regarding new opportunities to publish your research. You will also receive the ‘Call for papers’ through which you can impart your knowledge and research findings in specific areas. Sign up right now and reap the satisfaction.

Unfortunately, we do not. Many investments come with conditions, as many sponsors prioritise research that fits into their narrative. No study or researcher should be denied funding due to the content of their research being deemed as contentious. We believe that everybody has the right to be heard.

GRJ has been created to provide a platform for passionate researchers to communicate their research and knowledge to serve global societies.  In addition, it has created a medium through which knowledge acquisition and transmission can occur between diverse and like-minded individuals globally.

Through knowledge acquisition and sharing vital information, global societies can benefit and make well informed and educated choices to overcome challenges they are facing.  Through GRJ new research is continuously being made available that can help individuals in an ever-changing world.

The number of views of each research paper or article is visible, allowing you to track the number of people that have read your research.

Yes, a requirement of GRJ publications is correct citation. We require you to use APA referencing style within your research paper/ article.

Yes, you must submit your abstract by the ‘Abstract deadline’ which appears on the ‘Call for papers’. Similarly, your completed research paper/ article must be submitted by the deadline communicated to you also on the ‘Call for papers’. If you exceed this deadline unfortunately GRJ will be unable to accept your submission to include within that particular publication.

GRJ has ensured a robust set of guidelines to ensure the publication of high-quality research papers. It is important for all individuals that would like to publish their research with GRJ to follow the guidelines and set their expectations in line with GRJ.  The research paper/ article is never published without the author’s explicit permission, you will need to sign the publication declaration agreement prior to publication of your research.

Yes, it is important that credit is given where it is due, therefore recognize the person/ people that have assisted you with your research that is going to be published with GRJ.