Review Policy

Review guidelines

Global Research Journal follows an Editorial review board an anonymous peer review model. In line with the aims and mission of the journal, papers are normally reviewed by a member of the editorial review board and another anonymous independent academic expert to ensure high-quality, impactful publications that are both academically rigorous and policy relevant.

Reviewers are expected to follow the GRJ submission guidelines and be ethical in their observes. Those who oversee the peer review process are expected to recognize warning signs of misconduct and to report any concerns to the editorial board.

The criteria against which manuscripts are assessed include fitting in with the theme, aims and scope of the journal.  In addition, adhere to the accepted academic standards including originality, significance and rigour, as well as to the criteria of high-quality research and analysis

The Review Process
  • Manuscripts are initially screened by the Editorial Review Board for completeness and adherence to the formal aspects of submission guidelines. Manuscripts may be returned to authors to remedy issues before being sent to the Editor.
  • The Chief Editor and/or Senior Editor assess submissions and decide whether they are suitable to proceed to the next stage of the review process on the basis or fit to the scope of the journal, publishing standards of the journal and community.
  • Research papers that pass the Editorial Board will be assigned an anonymous reviewer with the requisite subject area expertise (depending on the particular subject area of the manuscript, this role may also be assumed by one of the Editorial board members). Manuscripts will be assessed and decides if it warrants progression to subsequent review processes.
  • Papers that pass the Editorial review stage will be reviewed typically by an anonymous reviewer/s who is/are experts in the field(s), taking into account research methods and focus of the manuscript. Supplementary reviews or policy guidance may be sought from relevant experts of the field from within the community (however this will be facilitated by the GRJ Editors).
  • Based on the reviewer reports, recommendations will be made and the Editor/s will make a decision on the manuscript.
  • The final decision rests with the GRJ Editors.
Special cases
  • Editors are excluded from publication decisions when they are authors or have contributed to a manuscript. In such cases the review process and publication decision will be overseen by an alternate Editor.
  • Guest Editors of Special Issues or Sections that are focused are excluded from the review process and publication decisions when they are authors of or contributors to a manuscript. In such cases, the review process and publication decision will be overseen by one of the Editors of the journal.
  • Articles and blogs are typically assessed in the first instance by a member of the editorial board and then reviewed anonymously by experts with requisite subject and technical expertise.
Communications with GRJ authors

Authors will be provided reasoned and constructive feedback about the decisions on their manuscript at the end of the review process.  Time will be allocated to rectify areas of the manuscript if required.

Conflicts of interest

Assigned Associate Editors and reviewers should inform the Editors of any potential conflicts with the assigned manuscript.  For example, this may include competitive, collaborative or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies or institutions. Editors must be informed, and they must be recused from the review process.


Manuscripts received for review should be treated as confidential documents prior to acceptance and publication.


A formal appeal letter must be submitted if there is an appeal against editorial decisions. Point-by-point evidence should be documented in support of the appeal. In line with generally accepted standards, appeals are considered only on the basis of (i) reviewers’ potential technical errors in their assessment of the manuscript, (ii) new information or data that has come to light since submission of manuscript and (iii) evidence as to potential conflicts of interest of reviewers. Appeals against an editorial decision must be submitted within 14 days of the decision notice.

Only one appeal per manuscript is permitted. The Chief Editor will consult the editorial team and appropriate advice will be sort if required from members of the Editorial Board. The decision made by the Chief Editor is final.

Appeal letters should be addressed to the Chief Editor of GRJ and should be submitted to


Repository Policy

Global Research Journal has a policy that allows authors to submit all versions of their articles to any repository they choose. The open-access options allowed by the journal’s policy are listed below based on the version of the article: