
Our goal as a publishing company is to bridge the gap between the world of science and the general public through. And we want to be as accessible and open as possible to our authors and readers.

Benefits of Publishing with Global Research Journal

The hard work and dedication taken to complete a research paper is substantial, hence it is imperative that knowledge is shared with global readers. GRJ creates a platform for research to be published and reach global readers through electronic mediums.  Successful candidates have an opportunity to present their research at the Global Research Conferences (GRC). In addition, they will have their research published within the Global Research Conferences proceedings. Published research is available for all interested readers to attain knowledge, generate stimulating discussions and generate future research ideas, to overcome contemporary challenges with educated solutions.  Consequently, this will facilitate global societies towards a progressive and sustainable future in diverse fields.

GRJ is an open access journal in accordance with the BOAI criteria. All content is available freely without charge as individuals can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to full texts of the articles, or use them for lawful purposes, without asking for prior publisher or author permission.  All authors are required to fill in and submit the Copyright Agreement and Authorship Responsibility Form upon submission.

Research Study Guidelines

All research papers must follow the GRJ submission guidelines prior to abstract or full paper submission.  The word count should be between a minimum of 2000 and maximum of 5000 words including references and no more than 20 pages. The referencing style should follow American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. A4 in size and Font style Times New Roman with a font size of 12 and single spacing. There is a fee to ensure your research article is published within the GRJ to secure administration costs.

The Researcher’s Collaboration

GRJ provides researchers with the opportunity to come together on one platform and collaborate with likeminded researchers globally. This enables the exchange of research ideas and intelligently building upon existing research with the endeavour to find sustainable solutions to continuously changing challenges in contemporary life.  It is obligatory that all claims are backed up by published sources and referenced appropriately.

Services comparison

  • Researcher Blog
  • Digital Only Article
Researcher BlogDigital Only Article
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Commercial: £955 Academic: £840
*VAT applies only for UK clients
Webpage article
DOI reference
Writing and Editing
Professional Design
PDF brochure of article
Search Engine Optimisation
Featured in our publication
Social media promotion
Final impact report
Video abstract
Enhanced social media campaignAdd Social media promotion for £380 – We promise your research will reach a minimum of 25,000 people.
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  • Researcher Blog
  • Digital Only Article
  • Research Features Publication
  • All Inclusive
Researcher BlogDigital Only ArticleResearch Features PublicationAll Inclusive
FREE for limited time only
*Discount price until December 2022
Commercial: £500 Academic: £300
*VAT applies only for UK clients
Commercial: £800 Academic: £600
*VAT applies only for UK clients
Commercial: £1000 Academic: £800
*VAT applies only for UK clients
Webpage article
DOI reference
Writing and Editing
Professional Design
PDF brochure of article
Search Engine Optimisation
Featured in our publication
Social media promotion
Final impact report
Video abstract
Enhanced social media campaignSocial media promotion – Your research will reach the maximum global audiencesEnhance your research on all social media platforms - Your research will reach the maximum global audiences
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Sample Impact Analysis

A breakdown of how your money is spent

Please note that the cost breakdown is based on a basic package and assumes a monthly publication of 15 articles. It is an approximation of how much each project will cost.  Actual costs may vary, depending on the project.

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